【理学院】Asymptotic stability of non-monotone traveling waves for time-delayed non-local dispersion equations
报告题目:Asymptotic stability of non-monotone traveling waves for time-delayed non-local dispersion equations
报告摘要:This talk is concerned with the stability of non-monotone traveling waves to a nonlocal dispersion equation with time-delay, a time-delayed integro-differential equation. When the equation is crossing-monostable, the equation and the traveling waves both loss their monotonicity, and the traveling waves are oscillating as the time-delay is big. In this paper, we prove that all non-critical traveling waves (the wave speed is greater than the minimum speed), including those oscillatory waves, are time-exponentially stable, when the initial perturbations around the waves are small. The adopted approach is still the technical weighted-energy method but with a new development. Numerical simulations in different cases are also carried out, which further confirm our theoretical result. Finally, as a corollary of our stability result, we immediately obtain the uniqueness of the traveling waves for the non-monotone integro-differential equation, which was open so far as we know.
报告人:梅茗,教授(Champlain College St-Lambert & McGill University, Canada)
时 间:6月28日(周二)下午15:15—16:15
地 点:18-918(理学院会议室)
人物名片:梅茗教授是Champlain College St-Lambert 的全职教授,McGill大学兼职教授,吉林省“长白山学者”讲座教授,“东师学者”讲座教授。目前担任四个SCI期刊的副主编和编委,50余个国际杂志的审稿人,发表高水平学术论文70余篇,主要研究论文发表在 Arch. Rational Mech. Anal., Commun. Partial Differential Equations,SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics,Journal of Differential Equations等杂志上。多次应邀参加国际数学大会并作大会报告,并主持多项加拿大国家基金。详见梅教授网页:http://www.math.mcgill.ca/~mei/