时间:2015-6-4(周四) 10:30-11:30
宣琦(Qi Xuan)博士,国家软件工程(CCF)专委员会委员,国家复杂网络会议(CCCN)专委会委员,加州大学戴维斯分校(University of California, Davis)计算机系博士后,香港城市大学(City University of Hong Kong)电子工程系访问学者,浙江工业大学信息工程学院副教授。目前主要从事社交网络数据挖掘,开源软件库数据挖掘,人工智能及机器学习算法设计,以及复杂网络及其上动力学行为建模,优化,及控制等。在计算机顶级会议ICSE及FSE,Physical Review E(美国物理评论), IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, Chaos, Physica A等国际知名会议及期刊上发表学术论文30余篇。主持国家自然科学基金,国家留学基金,国家博士后科学基金共四项,参与国家级项目多项。
讲座摘要: Task-Oriented Social Networks (TOSNs) are communities of people who are virtually organized around and working on a common goal, or task. In addition to the social networks, there is a typical wealth of other data about these communities, e.g. records of their technical contribution. Examples of such communities are Electronic Commerce, Open Source Software (OSS) projects, Wikipedia, StackExchange, etc., where people cooperate to do business, create software, share knowledge, and provide quick and high-quality answers for different kinds of questions, respectively. These communities provide extremely large and diverse real data, which enable us to study the online cooperative behaviors comprehensively. In this talk, we review some concepts and technologies in complex networks, and then introduce TOSNs and some related topics in mining Apache OSS projects.