【理学院】Inverse scattering problems in ocean acoustics:modeling,analysis and computation
报告题目:Inverse scattering problems in ocean acoustics:modeling,analysis and computation
报告摘要:This talk will focus on direct and inverse problems of wave propagation in ocean acoustics. In order to model a well-posed problem for waves in a stratified medium, we need to pose a proper radiation condition. Using contour integral, we obtain a generalized Sommerfeld radiation condition. We will discuss the radiation conditions for wave in essentially stratified medium with unbounded inhomogeneity, and introduce an upward propagating radiation condition and a sideward radiation condition for waves in essentially layered medium. Some related inverse scattering problems will be discussed.
报告人:Yongzhi Xu,Professor(University of Louisville, USA)
时 间:5月7日(周四)下午14:00—16:15
地 点:18-918(理学院会议室)
Yongzhi Xu is a full professor of Mathematics at University of Louisville. He received his B.S. and M.S. in applied mathematics from SunYat-SenUniversity and PhD in applied mathematics from University of Minnesota. He joined the University of Louisville in 2004. His major research areas are partial differential equations, its computation and applications involved inverse scattering problems, mathematical modeling of breast cancer computational acoustics, function theoretic methods for partial differential equations, elastic and thermoelastic problems, biomathematics and medical imaging problems. He has published more than 100 peer reviewed papers, served as the Chief Editor of Applicable Analysis and the Chief Editor of Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations. He is the vice president of International Society for Analysis, its Applications and Computation (ISAAC).