演讲题目:Relationships between lignin structure and its reactivity during pulping.
报告时间、报告地点:12月20日 15:15-16:30,地点:行政楼一楼报告厅
主讲人简介:松本雄二(Matsumoto Yuji)
Professor Matsumoto Yuji
Department Head, Professor, PhD, Wood Chemistry Laboratory, Department of Biomaterial Sciences, TheUniversity of Tokyo. [Adjunct Professor of Zhejiang Sci-Tech University (China), Asian Institute of Technology (Thailand)].
He graduated from Faculty of Agriculture, The University of Tokyo in 1978 and finished Doctor Course of Graduate School of Agriculture, The University of Tokyo in 1983. He took the position of professor of Wood Chemistry Laboratory, The University of Tokyo in 2006.
His main interest: Modification of cellulose by the application of new solvent system for lignin-containing; Cellulosic materials developed in our laboratory; Chemical structure and reaction mechanism of lignin; Pulping and bleaching chemistry etc.