报告题目:Bridging the Gap between Theory and Experiment in Nanomedicine
报 告 人:Dunavant Prof. Yongmei Wang
所在单位:The University of Memphis
报告时间:2018年06月07日(周四) 13:30
Abstract: Nanomedicine refers to the use of nanomaterials for therapeutic and diagnostic purposes. The development of fundamental research in nanomaterials and nanoscience for the last two decades has brought forth ripe opportunities for commercialization in nanomedicines. Research and development in nanomedicine requires an interdisciplinary approach that combines knowledge and expertise in chemistry, biology, physics, and materials science. Experimental and computational approaches are desired that can complement each other. In this talk, I will present our research effort that brings computational studies closer to experimental studies to meet the challenges in nanomedicine. I also hope to inspire next generation scientists to be prepared for greater achievement in research and development in nanomedicine.
主讲人简介:Prof. Wang于1985年在中国科技大学获学士学位;1990年在美国University of Notre Dame 获博士学位;后在University of Akron 和 University of Houston 从事博士后研究;1996年–2003年在North Carolina Agricultura and Technical State University任助理教授和副教授;2003年8月进入The University of Memphis化学系,2011年晋升为教授,2015年评为Dunavant 教授。主要从事有关大分子与纳米药物界面的计算机模拟工作,尤其是大分子和纳米粒子的分离和表征,基因和药物传递的聚合物系统的多尺度建模,金属纳米粒子的等离子体光学性质以及纳米粒子在纳米医学中的应用。已在Phys. Rev. Lett., Nanoscale, Macromolecules, Biomacromolecules, Nanomedicine 等国际著名刊物上发表论文80余篇。