【理学院】Majorana representation of complex vectors and some of its applications to mathematics and physics
题 目: Majorana representation of complex vectors and some of its applications to mathematics and physics
时 间:2019年11月21日(周四)下午 15:40-16:40
地 点:18-918
报告人:Mikio Nakahara,教授
摘 要:It is well known that an element of CP^1 is visualized by a point in S^2. Roughly sepaking, it means a two-dimensional complext vector, when the overall U(1) factor is ignored as is done in quantum mechanics, can be regarded as a point in S^2. Then it is natural to ask what is the correspoinding visualization for a vector in C^d with d>2. The Majorana representation visualizes a vector in C^d in terms of d-1 points, called the Majorana vectors, in S^2. This is based on the observation that a vector in C^d is represented as a symmetrized tensor product of d-1 C^2 vectors.In my seminar, I introduce how to obtain the Majorana representation and some of its applications to combinatorics and cold atom physics.
报告人简介:Mikio Nakahara在日本京都大学获得了硕士和博士学位。他读本科的时候学的是物理、数学、化学和天文学。后来他专门研究理论物理。曾任美国南加州大学博士后、加拿大阿尔伯塔大学博士后、英国苏塞克斯大学博士后。曾任日本静冈大学副教授、日本金田大学教授。他是英国苏塞克斯大学和芬兰赫尔辛基理工大学(现称阿尔托大学)的客座教授。2017年移居上海大学,至今担任数学系教授。